Contact Me

Internet Addiction that I suffer from means that I can be contacted in multiple ways over the internet, depending on who you are and why you want to get in touch you may choose from one of the following -

You are an old Friend -

You are a professional -
View Mahek Mody's profile on LinkedIn

You are of the type who keeps it short and crisp within 140 characters then you are also smart enough to figure out there is a Twitter box on this page

Social Networking is not your thing, then old fashioned email -
In the unlikely event that you have still not found a way to contact me and still have a keyboard, use the comments section below.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mahek,

    As you are the Cheif of Staff at Ather, I have sent you an email on how companies are now leveraging AI to transform the way they engage with their employees. I would be happy to know your thoughts on this and would love to get on a quick call on how we can add value to the engagement process at Ather.
    Please do have a look at the email and let me know if you would be interested :)
